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一對三私人游泳班 1 to 3 swimming class

適合群組:兄弟姊妹或親朋戚友共同上課 建議年紀:3歲起

1 小


一對三游泳班- 對於怕沉悶的同學最佳的選擇,學員有足夠的關注度,教練亦容易照顧同學的進度及水平。 適合群組:兄弟姊妹或親朋戚友共同上課 建議年紀:3歲起 Group Swimming Class for 1 on 3 - Ideal for students who are afraid of boredom, this option provides ample attention to each participant, and the coach can easily cater to the progress and skill levels of the students. Suitable for groups: Siblings or relatives and friends who want to take classes together Recommended age: From 3 years old onwards.


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